The Humane Society of Richland County is pleased to partner with the RASCAL Clinic to provide low cost spay and neuter services to our community. We currently have spay/neuter clinics scheduled every second Tuesday of the month.
March 8th
April 12th
May 10th
June 14th
July 12th
August 9th
September 13th
October 11th
November 8th
December 13th
Prices for spay/neuter listed below. Please note that an additional $10.00 administrative fee will be added to the price of all surgeries to help with the cost of running the clinic:
Dog Spay
up to 40 lbs $80
40.1 to 80 lbs $95
80.1 to 100 lbs $110
100.1 and up $125
Dog Neuter
up to 40 lbs $70
40.1 to 80 lbs $85
80.1 to 100 lbs $110
100.1 and up $125
Cat Spay $60 Cat Neuter $50
Pre-Anesthetic Bloodwork for dogs/cats (chemistry only) available on site $55
E-Collars available for $10
Ear tipping for feral / stray cats is recommended and can be done upon caretaker request at no additional charge.
Additional costs:
- If a female dog is in heat, there will be an additional fee of $5.00. Please keep in mind that large breed, overweight and older dogs in heat have a higher risk. For this reason, we may turn away a dog after the initial exam if we do not feel they are a good surgical candidate. The in-heat charge does not apply to cats.
- Pregnant dogs and cats will be charged $5.00 – $10 extra.
- If a male dog or cat is a cryptorchid (testicles have not fully descended), the cost of the procedure will be the cost of the neuter plus up to the full price of a spay for the same size.
- If a pet is found to be spayed after sedation, there will be a $15.00 fee.
- If a female dog or cat is found to be already spayed during surgery, the regular surgery fee will apply (exploratory laparotomy).
- If a pet does not have written proof of a current Rabies vaccine given by a licensed veterinarian, the vaccine will be given the day of surgery at a cost of $8.00.

Humane Agents
A humane agent is a sworn law enforcement officer who investigates reports of animal cruelty, neglect and abandonment. A humane agent can issue summons to appear in court. All cases that go to court are 2nd degree misdemeanors or 5th degree felonies.
The Humane Society of Richland County currently has four humane agents, and there is one on call 24/7.
All complaints regarding possible animal cruelty/neglect/abandonment must ONLY be made by:
- Calling the shelter at 419-774-4795
- Email adoptourstrays@yahoo.com
- Through the “send message” button on our Facebook page.
Calls/emails/Facebook messages to staff’s personal accounts will not be responded to.

Types of calls responded to:
- Cruelty means knowingly committing an act upon an animal, including to: torture, torment, mutilate, maim, cruelly beat, poison or needlessly kill. As in ORC 959.13 cruelty also includes lack of fresh air and wholesome exercise.
- Neglect- any act that is negligently committed upon an animal, including to: torture, torment, mutilate, maim, cruelly beat, poison, needlessly kill, confine the animal without supplying food, water and shelter from the elements (if the animal would become sick or suffer as a result).
- Abandonment – If an animal is confined and continues without food, water and attention for more than fifteen successive hours, the animal may be taken for its own safety.
- Carrying or conveying an animal in a cruel or inhumane manner (ORC 959.13).
- We will assist in calls about animals in distress i.e. loose horses/cows, trapped animals, etc.
- Dog fighting/Animal fighting/Trapshooting (with live animals).
Types of calls not responded to:
- Stray, aggressive, or barking dogs
- Wildlife in residential areas, i.e. we will not skunks, raccoons, opossums, etc.
- In general, we do not trap cats as they are allowed to free roam, are not required to be licensed and may be someone’s pet.
Pet Food Bank

The shelter operates a food bank for pet owners that need temporary assistance. The food bank is a temporary service for feeding your existing pets. It is not to be used as a permanent food source for your animals. You are not to bring new pets into your home while receiving assistance from the food bank. We are here to help you keep your pets, NOT ADD NEW ONES.
We ONLY provide Pet Food Pantry on the first Saturday of every month from 10am-11am. We only provide dry dog and cat food – no treats, cat litter, or canned food will be given. Unfortunately we cannot provide pet food pantry assistance on other days of the month. Upcoming pet food pantry dates for 2022/2023 are:
Saturday, December 3, 2022 from 10am-11am
Saturday, January 7, 2023 from 10am-11am
Saturday, February 4, 2023 from 10am-11am
Saturday, March 4, 2023 from 10am-11am
Saturday, April 1, 2023 from 10am-11am
More dates to be added…
- No one in the household is to resell food provided by the food bank. If it is discovered that this has happened, the household and all members involved will be banned from assistance indefinitely.
- The food bank providing a service to the community and ask that recipients receive ONLY as much food as they need.
- All household animals MUST be spayed/neutered. If your pets are not spayed/neutered, you must get them spayed/neutered in order to continue to receive food bank assistance. There are numerous low cost spay/neuter clinics. Please ask us for help in identifying these programs if you are unable to.
- All recipients must come IN PERSON to our distribution site in order to receive pet food.
When possible, the food bank tries to supply at least a two weeks supply of pet food per household, up to a reasonable limit. Some bags may be opened when distributed. There is a good possibility that the pet food that you receive will not be your preferred brand. Recipients agree to not hold HSRC responsible for an adverse health effect that may occur.
We are a non-profit organization which receives NO public or government funding of any kind, and are striving to help truly need pet owners keep their pets. If you cannot prove your need or if you add pets to your household despite needing assistance from the food bank, we will not be able to help.
As of March 2020, we are suspending the application needed to receive food from the food pantry. We understand that many people are struggling, so we would like to help anyone who is in need of pet food.
Prison Program
The Humane Society of Richland County is proud to partner with Mansfield Correctional Institute on the Tender Loving Dog Care Program (TLDC). Dogs will live with inmates for 2-8 weeks, and during that time they will be taught basic obedience commands and are crate trained. Inmates are selected based on their desire to work in the program and must be a non-violent offender with a clean behavioral record. The Mansfield Correctional Institute provides this service to the Humane Society in order to give job skills to deserving inmates. Dogs who go through this program are highly sought after by potential adopters because of the high quality of care and training they receive in the TLDC program.