One Time Donation
Recurring Donation

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Current Shelter Needs
- Canned kitten food (any brand)
- Meat flavored baby food like turkey, chicken, ham, or beef (we use for sick animals)
- Purina brand cat/kitten food
- Purina brand dog/puppy chow
- Purina sensitive skin/stomach cat or dog food
- Soft/chewy dog treats
- Cat or dog toys
- Cat litter (non-clumping preferred)
- Pine litter (brands include Yesterday’s News or Feline Pine)
- Pet pine pellet bedding (can be found at TSC and Family Farm and Home)
- Proviable probiotic capsules
- Fortiflora probiotics for dogs
- Terramycin eye ointment
- Frontline Plus for cats or dogs (any weight)
- Capstar (cat or dog)
- Latex or nitrile disposable gloves (Size medium or large)
- Paper towels
- Zip-lock bags (sandwich, gallon, and 2 gallon size)
- 13 gallon heavy duty trash bags
- Lysol/Clorox wipes
- Liquid dish soap
- Dryer sheets
- Liquid laundry detergent (He preferred)
- Bleach
- Parvocide or Kennel Sol Cleaners (found on Amazon)
- Newspaper (no ads)
- Printer Paper
- Index Cards
- Forever stamps
- Gift cards for PetsMart, TSC, Amazon, Wal-Mart, etc.
- Monetary Donations
These are all items the shelter uses on a daily basis. Any kind of donated items are greatly appreciated!